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For the last two years, there has been a barrage of CEO sexual assault accusations making the news headlines. Perhaps the most notable case recently is that of the accusations of sexual assault by CEO Steve Easterbrook of McDonald’s. Claims against abusive CEO’s have significantly increased with the #MeToo movement. But what defines a sexual encounter as sexual assault by the CEO? The laws are very specific about the definition of sexual assault. The reason for this is to ensure that all parties are protected when this type of accusation is made.

Definition of Sexual Assault at Work

The definition of sexual assault is very broad and can include many different actions. At this time, sexual assault and harassment in the workplace include:

  • Improper speech to another employee, such as making sexual-based comments, jokes, innuendos, or propositions.
  • Touching other employees without their permission
  • Making lewd physical actions at another employee that has sexual intent
  • Requiring an employee to do something of a sexual nature to keep their job, get promoted, or avoid being punished at work
  • Any type of sexual contact that is not willingly reciprocated

It should be understood that many interactions between employees that may seem like harmless flirting can be seen as sexual harassment or abuse. This is especially true for someone charging another person as part of the abusive CEO’s culture.

CEO Sexual Assault or Misconduct Accusations

The CEO of McDonald’s was charged with sexual assault and was dismissed from his job. Without him being convicted of the assault, the company is also suing him to take away his compensation package and other financial issues. The company has chosen to go this route because they do not want to be seen as “easy” on abusive CEO’s in the current “cancel culture.” While CEO sexual assault is not something that you should ever overlook, accept, condone, or otherwise allow to happen.

Making accusations of CEO sexual assault without a conviction can destroy lives. 

And that is exactly what is happening right now. Accusations that someone is considered one of the abusive CEO’s that “everyone is hearing about” can destroy that person’s life, family, and income without there ever being a trial to prove guilt or innocence. This is not right. Not only does it defeat the purpose and the necessity of things like the #MeToo movement, but it makes them very harmful. Making a point of bringing abusive CEO’s to light is a good thing, only if it can be proven in a court of law. Otherwise, lives are being destroyed without proof or purpose. This does not help victims of abuse and could harm their cause.

Aggressive Legal Representation

Have you been informed that you are being investigated for CEO sexual assault? Have you been formally charged with CEO sexual assault? Are you seeing or hearing rumors about yourself as being involved with CEO sexual assault? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you need to get immediate legal representation. The charges of CEO sexual assault, even if there are just rumors at this time circulating on the Internet, can destroy your life. It is crucial to start building a defense now so that if formal charges are placed against you, you will have a case already being prepared for your defense. You will need the services of a defense lawyer that has a solid legal team to help you build a defense. You will need to attack this problem as soon as you start hearing about accusations because of the damage that they could cause in your life. Rumors and accusations like these should not be ignored because a formal charge of arrest can come quickly.

A false accusation of CEO sexual assault could have you removed from your position. It could cause you to lose benefits or investments in the company. Like the McDonald’s case, you may even lose compensation packages that you were guaranteed when you leave the company. A false accusation can also destroy an entire company. If it is believed that the company has condoned or overlooked the behavior of the CEO, people will protest the company, and sales can diminish to a point where the company collapsed. This is why it is critical to building a case to prove your side of the story as soon as possible. This is the best way to protect yourself, your job, and your family from these serious accusations of sexual misconduct.

A Statement About Sexual Misconduct

Our law firm would like to reaffirm its position on sexual harassment, misconduct, abuse, or any similar situation. We do not in any way condone these behaviors, nor do we think that a person, regardless of their current position, should be allowed to get away with any actions that could be considered sexual misconduct in any way.

However, we feel that it is very important that someone who is accused of this action is given the right to defend themselves and to tell their side of the story. A conviction for sexual misconduct will change the outcome of their entire life, and it is only right that they have superior legal representation so that they can present their side of the issue. Our great country is founded on the belief that everyone is “Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.


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