Administrative Law Matters

It can be just as serious and devastating to your life as criminal law proceedings. In fact, these outcomes can actually dictate how aggressively criminal law proceedings are handled.

Professional boards that issue licenses can become extremely aggressive in pursuing a license revocation even at the hands of a mere accusation. In an effort to protect your career, LibertyBell Law Group’s team approach responds with the same aggression, dedication, and diligence.  Our experienced attorneys are committed to defending professional licensure so that you can rest easy.

You may assume that administrative law matters are not as severe as criminal law proceedings. Think again. Professional Boards that govern certain industries and the licensing involved are becoming more aggressive. A licensed professional’s destiny and future is in their hands. At LibertyBell Law Group, we are experienced administrative law attorneys and we defend licensed professionals and businesses who are drawing a battle line throughout California.

Los Angeles Administrative Law Attorney

We focus our practice of
Administrative Law on the following areas

Board Investigations & Hearings

There are no juries, just administrative judges from the Office of Administrative Hearings when licensed professionals face California board hearings. It is therefore important to have experience and an excellent reputation with the various state boards or bureaus in handling investigations, settlements or hearings. The California boards regulating professionals have significant power and can overturn a decision by an administrative law judge. It is therefore critical to address any board complaint seriously, use experts as needed, and build a solid record in order to close the case or ensure that any allegations are as minimal as possible.

In addition, we represent professionals as co-counsel or sole counsel in many criminal matters given that criminal investigations or convictions that have nothing to do with a profession can be deemed as “unprofessional conduct” and lead to the following:

  • Probation
  • Monetary fine
  • License suspension
  • License revocation

Our attorneys understand the laws that affect your practice as much as the lawyers representing the board you are facing. With so much at stake, you need that level of advocacy and leverage. We fight for not only your rights, but also your professional future.

License Defense

Your past can catch up with you when applying for a professional license. Our California professional licensing attorneys have represented clients who have turned their lives around following serious drug addiction or criminal convictions. We play up your strengths and downplay the weaknesses in creating compelling arguments that you should be licensed, even if it is only provisional. Our experienced team provides services for the following lawsuits involving:

  • Arrests & Convictions

  • Diversion

  • License Defense

  • Sexual Misconduct

  • Substance Abuse & Diversion

  • Unprofessional Conduct

  • Reporting Requirements

For more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced lawyer regarding issues related to administrative law, please contact us.

Executive Defenders is a Civil Division of LibertyBell Law Group

Gina Tennen

Is A Nationally Recognized Criminal Law Attorney
Gina Tennen At a Glance
  • Received the National Top 100 Trial Lawyers Award
  • Featured in Time Magazine’s “Leaders of Criminal Defense” in the 100 Most Influential People edition.
  • Experienced in both prosecution and defense.
  • Has handled many high-profile cases
  • Expert legal strategist.
  • Relentless fighter for her clients with results to prove it.

Gina is a Founding partner and one of the nation's leading criminal defense attorneys, She is a leading advocate of personal freedom and individual rights.

Her meticulous trial preparation and her exceptional ability to integrate an aggressive, thorough defense, has earned her the admiration of clients and the respect of prosecutors, judges and other criminal lawyers across the country.

She is an astute strategist and powerful advocate who works tirelessly to protect the rights of her clients. She has earned a long-standing reputation as a relentless fighter who never surrenders in any case and has represented many high-profile criminal cases.

Hear From Our Clients

Our Focus Areas

Regulatory Compliance

Workplace Investigations

Administrative Hearing Process

Title IX Defense

Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Criminal & White Collar Defense

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