Case Results
Victory in U.S. Olympic Administrative Hearing – Center for SafeSport
Our client, a certified USA Athletic Coach, was rendered ineligible due to a report of a criminal conviction received by the U.S. Center for SafeSport. The client contacted LibertyBell Law Group and the legal team immediately requested an arbitration and provided the Center with additional information concerning the conviction. As a result, the client has been reinstated and has resumed his career.
The U.S. Congress designated the U.S. Center for SafeSport with the authority to respond to reports of sexual misconduct within the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Movement by passing the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017. This legislation, also known as S.534, designates the Center to serve as the independent national safe sport organization, with the additional responsibility for the Center to develop national policies and procedures to prevent the emotional, physical, and sexual abuse of amateur athletes.
Class Action Employment Lawsuit
Security guards working for a Security Company that places guards at Marijuana Clinics sue the owner/our client for unpaid overtime and wage dispute issues. Through our expertise and aggressive strategy, LBLG settled the matter to the clients satisfaction with a positive resolution for the client.
Real Property/Breach of Contract
Client was offered to buy a house she was renting. On the date escrow is set to close, the seller refused to transfer the deed. He tried to evict the client. Through LBLG’s expertise, strategy and aggressive negotiations, we filed a lawsuit, got rid of the eviction against the client, fought the case and saved the client from a judgement against her. LBLG Civil Attorneys successfully settled the case to the clients satisfaction. Case was dismissed against the client.
Basketball Champion, Business Associates Fight to Save Partnership over Sex Harassment Claims
A woman’s rights attorney known for taking high-profile and often controversial cases represented a woman claiming to have been raped by one of the partners.
After a prolonged and very contentious mediation with LibertyBell Law Groups’ team of attorneys which included Gina Tennen and Alan Tavelman, our client was victorious in resolving the matter, preserving their reputation, and avoiding criminal charges.
Fishy Business Deal Resolved
Client entered into a purchase agreement to buy a sushi restraurant. The buyer was not getting what he had expected and through our expertise, advice and aggressive negotiations, the buyer was able to get the contract rescinded.
High Ranking Public Safety Official Battles Sexual Assault Allegation
This is a cross over case that had Employment, Criminal, and Civil Litigation implications. LibertyBell Law Group is very experienced and adept at handling these matters. In this particular case, our client was accused of sexual assault at a work event. He was contacted both administratively and criminally. Eventually, a criminal prosecutor was assigned to his matter while simultaneously being requested to be interviewed by his administrative board. LibertyBell Law Group’s team of attorneys immediately stepped in to protect our client and strategically created a plan to address each respective agency. After extensive communications and preparation of a defense and response, we successfully avoided a termination, civil litigation, and any criminal charges.
Title IX and UCLA
Client was accused of Rape and Penetration by a fellow student. After extensive negotiations, sophisticated strategy, an aggressive defense and defense resources, the case was dismissed by the District Attorney.
Title IX protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive financial assistance. Title IX states: No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
Successful Employment Mediation Avoids $500k in Damages
Our client, a CA based security company, was accused of wage and hour violations. Opposing counsel started with a $500k demand . After extensive, aggressive, and methodical negotiations through mediation, the matter was settled for 20% of the original demand. The client was extremely pleased and a payment plan was included as part of the final agreement.
Sexual Battery By a Massage Therapist
Client is a massage therapist at a prominent massage business. He was accused by a regular client of sexually assaulting her during a massage. She sued the company claiming he touched her inappropriately. Through our expertise, negotiations and aggressive strategy, the client walked away with no liability or financial repercussions.
Our Focus Areas
Regulatory Compliance
Workplace Investigations
Administrative Hearing Process
Title IX Defense
Sexual Misconduct Allegations
Criminal & White Collar Defense
Preventative & Proactive
LibertyBell Law Group is well-versed in developing preventative and proactive legal strategies for individuals, businesses and licensed professionals alike, and when litigation is unavoidable, we are prepared to fight for our clients in court.