Criminal &
White Collar defense

Extensive Experience
Defending Against
Federal & State Prosecuters
LibertyBell Law Group has extensive experience representing individuals and companies before federal and state prosecutors and regulators. Our team provides regulatory counseling, compliance and monitoring, internal investigations, anti-corruption and white collar criminal defense in areas including:
Bankruptcy Fraud
Business Crimes
Criminal Defense
Diversion Programs
Elder & Dependent Abuse
Excessive Prescribing
False Statements
Falsification of Financial Information of public and private corporations
Identity Theft
Interviews & Proffer and Immunity Agreements
Bureau of Medi-Cal Fraud & Elder Abuse
California Department of Justice
Department of Consumer Affairs
District Attorney’s Office
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Drugs Administration (FDA)
Internal Revenue Services (IRS)
Local Law Enforcement & Police Departments
Office of Inspector General (OIG)
Private Insurance Carriers – Special Investigation Units
- Fraud
- Auto Insurance
- Bank Fraud
- Consumer Fraud
- Computer Fraud
- Credit Card Fraud
- Cybercrime
- Cryptocurrency / Bitcoin
- Deceptive Trade Practices
- False Advertising
- Foreclosure Fraud
- Forgery
- Grand Theft
- Home Equity Fraud
- Home Repair Fraud
- Identity Theft
- Illegal kickbacks
- Insurance Fraud
- Internet Fraud
- Investment Fraud
- Loan Modification Fraud
- Mail and Wire Fraud
- Mortgage Fraud
- Telemarketing Fraud
- Welfare Fraud
- Workers’ Compensation Fraud
Search Warrants
Sentencing (State & Federal)
Sexual Battery, Sexual Touching and Sexual Assault
Tax Fraud
Unlicensed Practice of Medicine
White Collar
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Foreclosure Fraud
General Criminal Defense
Grand Jury Subpoenas & Investigations
Health Care Fraud
Billing for Services Not Provided
Dentl-Cal Fraud
Duplicate Claims
Falsifying Medical Records
Fraudulent Billing
Kickbacks & Illegal Referral Payments
Medi-Cal Fraud
Medicare Fraud
Medically Unnecessary Services
Misuse of Public Funds
Money Laundering
Money Structuring
Obstruction of Justice
Plea Agreements
Probation & Parole
Early Termination
Revocation Hearing
LibertyBell Law Group has successfully assisted clients assess and address potential risk outside of the courtroom and have decades of experience trying complex white collar and regulatory matters in federal, state and, regulatory courts.
For more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced lawyer regarding issues related to criminal or white collar investigations or law, please contact us

Executive Defenders is a Civil Division of LibertyBell Law Group
Gina Tennen
Is A Nationally Recognized Criminal Law Attorney
Gina Tennen At a Glance
- Received the National Top 100 Trial Lawyers Award
- Featured in Time Magazine’s “Leaders of Criminal Defense” in the 100 Most Influential People edition.
- Experienced in both prosecution and defense.
- Has handled many high-profile cases
- Expert legal strategist.
- Relentless fighter for her clients with results to prove it.
Gina is a Founding partner and one of the nation's leading criminal defense attorneys, She is a leading advocate of personal freedom and individual rights.
Her meticulous trial preparation and her exceptional ability to integrate an aggressive, thorough defense, has earned her the admiration of clients and the respect of prosecutors, judges and other criminal lawyers across the country.
She is an astute strategist and powerful advocate who works tirelessly to protect the rights of her clients. She has earned a long-standing reputation as a relentless fighter who never surrenders in any case and has represented many high-profile criminal cases.
Hear From Our Clients
Our Focus Areas
Regulatory Compliance
Workplace Investigations
Administrative Hearing Process
Title IX Defense
Sexual Misconduct Allegations
Criminal & White Collar Defense