
The information provided on our LibertyBell civil web site, executivedefenders.com, is intended for general informational purposes. It does not represent legal advice from an attorney. No information or online form on this web site establishes an attorney-client relationship. You should speak directly with an attorney before making any decisions regarding your legal matters.

We are proud of the case results we generate on a consistent basis, and the results featured on this web site are typical of our attorneys’ successful cases. However, our LibertyBell civil lawyers cannot guarantee a specific outcome on your case.

Beware of any attorney that promises a specific case outcome. Each case is different. The outcome of your case will depend on the circumstances, jurisdiction and many other factors.

Executivedefenders.com is a civil division of LibertyBell Law Group.

Call the best civil attorneys in California now at (855) 713-1864. You can also email us using the contact form. Our experienced civil attorneys will speak to you right away and handle your legal issues promptly.