Frequently Asked Questions

Is there fee for an initial consultation?

No. Prior to entering into a formal attorney-client relationship, both the prospective client and LibertyBell Law Group must be satisfied that the facts and the applicable law justify an arrangement. The prospective client must determine whether the estimated fees and cost associated with the case are acceptable under all the circumstances of the case.

What is the standard fee arrangement for most cases?

In cases other than a contingency case, our standard fee arrangement is based on an hourly fee which varies with the experience of the particular attorney assigned to the case. 

What can I expect after my lawsuit is filed?

The answer will depend on a number of factors, including; the type of lawsuit, the actions of the defendant and his, her, or its counsel.

My company was just sued. Now what?

Whether the suit comes as a surprise or is the byproduct of unsuccessful negotiations, one of the most important things you need to do after being served with a complaint is to timely file an answer in order to preserve your rights. You may also wish to assert counterclaims or bring third parties into the suit.

Our Focus Areas

Regulatory Compliance

Workplace Investigations

Administrative Hearing Process

Title IX Defense

Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Criminal & White Collar Defense

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